
Large-Scale Terror Attack Unfolds Outside Germany-France Friendly

At least 40 people have been reported killed (some reports put this number as high as 140) in multiple terror attacks that took place near and during the Germany-France friendly at the Stade de France in Germany. The attack featured several explosive devices, one of which could be heard by spectators and players in the match.

The game was not canceled, but spectators were kept in the stadium until it was safe to leave. The attack reportedly focused on a bar/restaurant outside the stadium.

Reportedly, terrorists even tried to enter the Stade de France, but were unsuccessful.

The portion of the attack (and this is assuming that the whole thing was one big coordinated attack) that produced the most damage was not the part near the Stade de France, but in a hostage situation at a concert venue called the Bataclan, where reports have put the number of dead at as many as 10. Reuters has reported that the police operation at the Bataclan has ended. You can follow The Guardian's live updates on the situation here.

The France vs. England friendly scheduled for Tuesday in Paris will instead be played at Wembley Stadium in London.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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