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Cristiano Ronaldo Tried To Break The Selfie World Record

Sometimes the world just falls into place, and something happens that makes you say "this feels right, this feels like it belongs." One such event happened recently when noted Cristiano Ronaldo enthusiast Cristiano Ronaldo attempted to break the world selfie record at the premier of his new movie about his life.

We are not surprised by this at all. In fact, we cannot make up our minds as to which of these is less surprising: the fact that Cristiano Ronaldo tried to break the world selfie record or the fact that the person he tried to take the record from is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Some things are just meant to be.

The specific record Cristiano tried to break was most selfies in three minutes. He did this by lining people up and shuffling them along like a selfie conveyor belt. We hope his arm didn't get tired.

The Rock, for those interested, took 105 selfies (averaging more than a selfie every two seconds) in three minutes when he set the record. That number proved to be too much for even Cristiano's considerable selfie skills, and he, like so many WWE wrestlers, faied to topple The Rock. 

This is a devastating blow for Cristiano, who will have to find what small comfort he can in being a fabulously wealthy international superstar with millions of adoring fans and hordes of attractive women competing for his affections. Poor guy.

(H/T FOX Soccer)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at Klomhaus@The18.com or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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