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Defender Geisson Perea pulls down his pants and shows his private parts in the middle of a game

Weird, weird scenes coming from the Colombian First Division, where Independiente Santa Fe's defender Geisson Perea decided to pull down his pants and show his genitals in the middle of the game of his team vs. Jaguares. 

Yes, you read that right.

Why did he do that? Nobody really knows. 

Colombian player shows his genitals during game

The freak incident occurred in the first minutes of the match after the ref conceded a free kick for Jaguares. Perea was one of the Independiente Santa Fe men forming the wall when he suddenly decided to display his private parts. 

Coincidentally, just at that moment, Win Sports' broadcasting cameras were pointing toward him, making the whole sequence a matter of live TV.

And watchers were not happy. 

"What disrespect from Geisson Perea from Santa Fe, pulling down his pants when players know that TV camera can frame them at any time," said ESPN and RCN Radio journalist Francisco Velez. 

"Geisson Perea forgot he was on a soccer field and not in his house bathroom. Kids were watching the game," complained lawyer and fan Andrés Arteaga.

Hours after the incident, people still don't know why Perea did what he did. It could have been an accident, but there is also the theory he was trying to distract the opponents before the free kick. 

Perea hasn't talked publicly about the act, but he published a story on Instagram with a biblical quote from Job about being naked, plus laughing and praying emojis.

"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised."

Surprisingly, the refs missed Perea's antics and the player escaped from disciplinary actions. At least for now. 

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