
The Numbers Behind Iceland’s World Cup Ticket Demand Are Absurd

According to FIFA, 8.4 million requests have been made for seats at the 2018 FIFA World Cup after two sales phases. The second phase saw a total of 4,905,169 tickets requested, with the majority of those applications coming from Russia. While the top five for requests is rounded out by Germany, Argentina, Mexico and Brazil, the percentage of Icelandic people requesting tickets is absurd.

Iceland will be competing in its first World Cup, and the country’s population is fully behind the team. According to a recent report from ESPN, there have been 55,232 seat applications received from Iceland. The country’s population is 334,252. That's nearly 17% of the country.

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Russia will be turned into Reykjavik this summer. 

For comparison’s sake, England — with their famous traveling support and a population of 53.01 million — has made just 2,725 more seat requests than the tiny Nordic island.

Also making up the top 10 of the most recent sales period are Poland, Spain, Peru, Colombia and the extremely curious nations of the USA and the Netherlands — apparently they just want to see what all the fuss is about. 

The only remaining opportunity to purchase tickets is on March 13, when they’ll be sold on a first come, first serve basis on 

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