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13 Reasons Every Girl Should Date A Soccer Player

Let me guess, you’ve dated a variety of different guys but nothing has ever worked out. He was either too quiet, too mean or went MIA. Now you're sick and tired of dating but you don’t want to face this world alone. Don’t stress out, I’m here to open your eyes and point you in the right direction.

Soccer players have the skills to dominate on the field as well as off. Loving the game of soccer is something they’ve done since they were little and having a girlfriend to love would be no different. Once you date a soccer player you will never go back, so sit back, relax and say goodbye to all the heartbreakers out there . . . you are moving on and in a better direction. 

They Are Committed

Soccer players have been committed to the game ever since they were kicking soccer balls into mini goals. Not only are they committed to the game, but they are also committed to their coaches, teammates and most importantly, you.    

They Have Time Management Skills

Are you someone who’s always late? Lucky for you your new man has no problem getting places on time. Soccer players are pretty organized considering they’ve been managing their schedules for years now. He will always find the time to fit you into his schedule just like he’s found the time for his schoolwork, friends and family. 

You Know His Passion, Making It Easier To Connect

Have you ever been on a date and ran out of things to talk about? Both of you just kind of sit there silently, awkwardly waiting for the other to start a new conversation. We’ve all been there, but have no fear because that will never happen when you date a soccer player! All you have to do is ask him about his favorite goal, player or coach. Yes, it's that easy. His eyes will instantly light up and you will get to know him on a more personal level.

He's Fit

In all seriousness, soccer players have the best bodies. Not only are they attending training sessions and practices daily, but they are also hitting up the gym after hours. 95% of the time soccer players have a 6 or 12 pack of abs hidden under their shirt. He has the arm muscles to pick you up and the leg muscles to outrun your ex, so go get yourself a soccer player and take him and his fine bod to the beach!

You Can Steal His Jerseys

Soccer jerseys can be worn at all hours of the day. It doesn’t matter if you are running to the store, going out for a bite to eat or just hanging around the house. Need something to wear, throw on a soccer jersey, or better, your boyfriend’s soccer jersey. You’ll either rep his name or rep his favorite team, which will bring smiles to both of your faces. You’ll look cute in it and smell just like him…or better yet, his laundry detergent. 

Seeing Your Boyfriend Win Will Be The Most Rewarding Thing

Imagine your boyfriend scores the winning goal in the last two minutes of the game! He points to you and blows you a kiss before his buddies surround him with high fives and funny dance moves. The people are cheering, his coach is smiling and you can barely control yourself.

You scream, cheer and wait patiently for him to walk over so you can congratulate him. As you pose for pictures in your matching jerseys, he whispers, “You’re my good luck charm” in your ear. You are now overwhelmed with a feeling you never knew you needed and never want to lose.  

You Will Be His #1 Cheerleader

Do you see anyone else on the sidelines wearing your man’s jersey? Nope. That’s right, that’s because you are his #1 cheerleader. You go to every game, you sit with his friends or family members and you scream his name loud and clear. Just think about it this way, he will work his ass off trying to impress you. It’s a win-win situation, so yell loud and be proud.

You Can Bond With His Family

Parents aren’t always the easiest people to please. When you go watch your boyfriend’s soccer games, make sure you sit with or near his family. Whatever you do, DON’T ignore them. His parents will like you more if they see you putting in the effort with them. Don’t judge them and get to know them…you might end up loving them! 

You Will Be His Bright Light When He's Feeling Dark

There will be a time when your man is feeling down. Either his team just lost in penalty kicks or his favorite player just got injured. It doesn’t matter what brought him down, as long as you are there to pick him up. You are his inspiration so he will be leaning on you whenever he’s mad, sad or feeling lost. Be his light at the end of the dark tunnel.

He's nutritious

It’s important to take care of your body. You know what they say…you are what you eat. Soccer players often follow a routine or a particular diet in order to fuel their bodies before stepping out on the pitch. Your BF will know what to eat and when to eat in order to achieve success. And if you're lucky you will find a player who knows how to cook!!

They have the skills to dominate

Most soccer players have been watching and playing the game since they were in diapers. Soccer is like a second language to them. They’ve been playing and practicing over the years, which just means they are getting better and better. When the time comes and they step out on the field, they are ready to compete and dominate. They work hard to get results and when they win they know how to celebrate in a polite way. 

He's not afraid to get down and dirty

A little mud never hurt anyone. Your boyfriend will be ready for any adventure, rain or shine. He’s used to playing soccer in any condition so don’t let the dark clouds ruin your plans. Getting down and dirty will only make things more fun, so don’t stress out about that little brown dot on your white shirt…he doesn’t even notice.

They work well with others

There’s no “I” in team and no “I” in couple. In order to succeed in both, you need to work together. Soccer players are already good at communicating with their teammates on the field, which means he will have no trouble communicating with you. Communication is key in both scenarios so stop wasting your time with someone who keeps his thoughts to himself and get yourself a soccer player who you can chat it out with. 

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