When you sign your kid up for youth soccer, you should know that you're signing yourself up as well. Your nights will now include driving to and from practice and your weekends will be booked with various games and tournaments. You may be confused at the beginning of the season, but after a few weeks, you'll quickly understand why the sacrifices you have to make are worth it.
These are the many stages every parent experiences as they watch their kid play youth soccer. Enjoy it, cherish it and appreciate it because one day your kids will grow up and you’ll miss it.
Who thought 8 AM games were a good idea?
Inner monologue: "If I were my child, where would I store a single cleat?"
10 minutes later...still no progress...
"Please no traffic, please no traffic."
Well this is awkward...
My ears are open and my eyes are peeled.
"Call me, tweet me, if you want to reach me."
"THAT'S MY KID!!!!!! I taught them everything they know."
No, that wasn't offside.
"Hmmm...better them than me."
You don't get points for making the team cry.
Please settle down and take it down a notch.
"Oh, they're just a ball hog!"

The ultimate soccer celebration.
We all scream for ice cream.