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Paul Pogba Has Had A Wild And Magical Summer

After a long season that ended with a Europa League title, Manchester United midfielder Paul Pogba needed some time to decompress and celebrate after playing 51 matches for his club. He certainly did just that.

Take a look at Pogba's unforgettable Summer '17.

Pogba kicked off May with a pilgrimage to Mecca, the holiest and most important site in the world for Muslims like himself. 

Pogba Mecca

Paul Pogba in Mecca. Photo: @paulpogba | Twitter

While in Saudi Arabia, Pogba was lucky enough to witness the invention of a revolutionary, hip dance move.

Get ready for the new dab

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Pogba’s summer vacation kicked into an even higher gear during his visit to China, where he went to the Forbidden City.

Pogba Forbidden City

Paul Pogba in the Forbidden City. Photo: @paulpogba | Twitter


This excursion was followed by a meet up with an old friend - Argentine legend Carlos Tevez. 

Tontooon @patriceevra #pogchina @tevezoficial #shanghaishenhua

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Pogba busted a move in front of thousands of fans on stage in Shanghai for Tango Night.

Merci Shanghai #pogchina #heretocreate @adidasfootball

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Don't worry, Manchested United fans. China wasn't all about fun and games. He made sure to get some fitness in with a run up the Great Wall.

The Great Run in the Great Wall @usainbolt #pogchina #heretocreate @adidasfootball

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The next stop on the Paul Pogba International Tour: Colombia.

Here, at the Cuadrado vs. Pogba benefit match, he celebrated the birth of the Pogba Foundation. Started with his brothers, the foundation will help train young soccer players and make the world a better place. 

Les premiers pas de notre Pogba Foundation @mathiaspogbaofficial @florentinpogbaofficial @fundacionjuancuadrado

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For the past couple of weeks, he's been enjoying some time at an insane mansion in Los Angeles.

One day to go back, are you ready? #endofholidays #findesvacances @rakeem_madeit

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At this humble abode, he celebrated the 4th of July and more recently, Manchester United's £75 million signing Romelu Lukaku.

See you tomorrow in training @rlukaku9 #bienvenue #AgentP

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Hanging out with stars, fighting for humanitarian causes and traveling the world…eh, the stars are not quite like us.

It seems Paul Pogba will be well-rested and happy as he gets back to training with Manchester United. 

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