
Watch The Top 10 Acrobatic Celebrations In Bundesliga History

As the great Ronaldinho once said, football is about joy. From a very young age, we’re made well aware of this fact by the strikingly jubilant spectacle we see unfolding in front of us. The Bundesliga’s YouTube channel has effectively captured this happiness with their “Top 10 Acrobatic Goal Celebrations” of all-time.

In no other sport does the rapture of triumph, the thrill of a goal, manifest itself quite as discernibly as soccer. The tearing off of clothing, feats of gymnastic brilliance and well-choreographed dances are part and parcel of the world’s game. Grown men and women are moved to tears through sheer delight, and the celebrations in the sport opnely differentiate it from any other game on the planet. 

While other professional sports have been keen to crack down on “unsporting behavior”, admonishing and fining players who dare to introduce a bit of pizzazz and flair into the ultra-serious affair of playing ball games, soccer will forever be marked by that palpable madness that greets a goal or victory. 

Occasionally, the intensity of the celebration can usurp the memory of the goal itself. These fantastic celebrations are the result of some pretty normal, occasionally terrible, goals. It just goes to show the exhilaration behind scoring for your club in front of thousands of supporters remains consistent regardless of how the ball finds the back of the net.

The Top 10 Acrobatic Celebrations in Bundesliga History

Borussia Dortmund forward Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang makes an appearance in the list with his trademark somersault celebration. Alerted to the dangers of this move by Gabon’s Football Association and medical experts, Aubameyang replied, “I know that it’s not harmless. That’s why I only do it when I feel really well. As if I could fly.”

In soccer, that’s every time you score a goal.

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