
Neymar Met Michael Jordan In Las Vegas

When we go to Las Vegas, we tend to come back penniless and missing a kidney, having had to sell one of ours in order to get back home because, again, we're penniless. Las Vegas is an inhospitable place where dreams go to die and money is sucked out of our wallets as if Vegas is employing an industrial vaccuum.

For footballers, though, Vegas is different. When you're a footballer, even if you lose your ass in Vegas, you're still rich and good-looking after. And you get to have cool adventures, like when Cristiano Ronaldo found a hot girl's phone and ended up taking her and her three friends back to his suite. 

And Neymar met Michael Jordan.

Michael Jordan is the most famous athlete in the United States, and probably the world, but it's not likely that he and Neymar travel in the same circles (who do you think introduced them? Charles Oakley?), which is why it's awesome that they met in Vegas and took the most swag-filled selfie of all time.

A note about Michael Jordan: you know you're a baller when you meet another famous athlete and he happens to be wearing a hat with your name/likeness on it. 

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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