
The Most heartwarming Story Of The Year Just Got Even Heartwarming-er

Remember this kid? The one with the heart-wrenching Messi jersey made out of a plastic bag? Well, now that your heart has been wrenched, prepare for it to be warmed.

Lots of people have been working to find this kid. After a hiccup or two, it looks like they've found him. And now a meeting with Lionel Messi himself is in the works.

The little boy's name is Murtaza Ahmadi. He's five years old and lived in a small village in Afghanistan.

According to CNN, Messi's charity is working to set up a meeting between Murtaza and his idol, which we presume would make everyone feel all the feels.

And if we're feeling all those feels, just imagine how many feels murtaza will be feeling. He may just melt into a puddle of feels.

The real boy was found after a Kurdish TV station tried to pass off a different adorable little boy as the jersey-wearer. 

And if you haven't felt enough feels already, here's the story of how Murtaza got his plastic bag Messi jersey, from CNN:

Ahmadi said he would be "upset" if his son doesn't get to meet Messi -- "because he really loves him."

Murtaza had started asking his father for a Messi jersey, Ahmadi said.

"I told him that we were living in a poor village far from the city and it was impossible for me to get him the shirt," he added.

"He kept crying for days asking for the shirt until his brother Hamayon helped him make one from the plastic bag to make him happy.

"He stopped crying after wearing that plastic bag shirt."

Feel overload. Goodbye.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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