Zlatan Ibrahimovic is flashy; he's eccentric, talented, and brash, but is he also a dual sports star? Potentially that is the case.
Have you have ever set eyes on Major League Baseball's Jeff Samardzija? At first glance when you see both men you can't help but notice a striking resemblance. Go ahead and judge for yourself.

Photo: @MetsKevin11 | Twitter
There is no doubt that there is a definite likeness between the two guys. First you can start with that hair, both long and illustrious. Or better yet maybe it's that goatee that went out of style in the 1990s (unless you make your living as a sultan or sorcerer); yet does that dissuade either of these two from rocking it out, not a chance. Maybe it's their height, Zlatan is listed at 6 feet 5 inches, where Samardzija is listed as a mere 1 inch taller (I think it might be the spikes he wears. Lets see them back-to-back!). No matter what it is it's hard to deny the truth; I mean has anyone ever seen them in the same room at the same time?
Now obviously there have been times when both athletes are playing their respective sport at the same time, effectively negating all the arguments I have placed before you, but they sure look like they were separated at birth at the very least, or are long lost relatives of some sort.
So, Manchester United fans, be excited for the new star that is about to join your team. Who knows, maybe he is even more athletically gifted than you already thought.

Photo: @LADodgersHQ | Twitter