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Watch NYRB's Demolition Of NYCFC As Narrated By A WWE Announcer

Highlights are fun, and highlights are even more fun when narrated by the WWE's Jim Ross. Because of the massive beatdown New York Red Bulls put on New York City FC, and because of the Internet, we've ended up with one of the great match highlight videos of our time, with professional wrestling commentary overlaid on Red Bulls' 7-0 trouncing of their "rivals."

This video is especially hilarious beacuse of two things: NYCFC's shirt-swapping promotion in which they offered free NYCFC jerseys in exchange for a Red Bulls jersey and NYCFC midfielder Andrea Pirlo's comment that there is too much running in MLS. Maybe he was referring to NYCFC running up the score?

Jim Ross Narrates Red Bulls' Beatdown Of NYCFC

Our first thought after seeing this video was there is no way in hell the WWE writers would ever write something like this because total beatdowns are boring and they need to keep the audience engaged.

You're right. The WWE is based almost entirely on artificially-manufactured drama, so the New York Red Bulls-New York City FC rivalry is nothing like the WWE.


(H/T Top Drawer Soccer)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at Klomhaus@The18.com or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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