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Cristiano Ronaldo Is Selling Me Blankets And Making Me Uncomfortable

Cristiano Ronaldo is hawking blankets now. Really. Watch this video if you're comfortable with watching Cristiano pretend to be surprised by a camera crew in bed.

Cristiano's blanket may be "very comfortable" but after watching the video I am now the opposite of that. I have several questions that I thought of but do not want the answers to, such as "what is going on under the blanket," "why did Cristiano just wink at me" and "why are you selling blankets of all the things out there you could be selling."

"Once I felt them, I had to get them on my team" is not the strongest advertising copy ever written.

This is not Cristiano's first foray into hawking stupid luxury products. Before CR7 blankets was a thing, CR7 footwear was a thing (do not get us started on the tassel loafers. We will go on for days). And before that, Cristiano Ronaldo fragrances were a thing. This is getting out of control.

(H/T SB Nation)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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