
Local man falls asleep during Chelsea vs. Liverpool: He missed nothing

Local soccer fan Trever Steinkrauser, known by friends and family as “The Trevmeister,” hoped for an exciting Tuesday afternoon of footy as Chelsea and Liverpool faced off in the Premier League. He would be treated to a monotonous 0-0 draw.

After having to call his mother for the Peacock login, The Trevmeister settled down for what he thought would be an entertaining match.

Everything appeared to be going as planned. Only three minutes into the game João Félix went on a dazzling run and nearly scored one for the highlight reel. Kai Havertz settled the rebound as proficiently as a donkey trying to pass a Calculus 3 course, but hey it was a good start to the game.

Less than two minutes later Chelsea had another opportunity. Only a goal-line clearance from Ibrahima Konaté kept the Blues from scoring.

The Trevmeister was quite pleased with the action in the opening five minutes.

As the first half wore on Trevor noticed his eyelids feeling heavier and heavier. Several times he would sit up and realize he’d dozed off for the last couple minutes. 

This happened again in the 24th minute when the sound of Peter Drury proclaiming a Chelsea goal paired with the roar of Stamford Bridge stirred Trevor awake. Too bad the goal was called back for offside.

Trevor would sleep through the remainder of the first half along with the halftime show. The Trevmeister was clever enough to set an alarm for the second half. In similar fashion to the first 45 minutes, Chelsea came out swinging but couldn’t get a goal to go in or count.

That would be all the excitement in the second half. To Trevor’s credit he made it to the 65-minute mark before he started to crack. Seconds were ticking by abnormally slow, the players appeared to be stuck in quicksand and the game grinded along.

Before he knew it, the Trevmeister had fallen into a deep slumber of boredom. He would miss nothing as the two giant clubs in terrible form tied 0-0 for a fourth consecutive time.

Trevor made an incredibly wise decision to sleep through this game. Anyone who watched envies The Trevmeister as they will never get those 90 minutes of their life back.

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