
Bill Walton Likes Soccer And You Should Too

Bill Walton is a treasure. The NBA legend and current college basketball broadcaster is one of the most fun people in all of sports.

Now, Bill Walton is all in on soccer, and you should be too. 

Walton's quote on a Soccer City SD Facebook post:

"I love soccer, San Diego, my bike, Mission Valley, progress, infrastructure, redevelopment and the new SoccerCitySD’s River Park…This is a harmonic convergence of the highest order…And I can’t wait to incorporate all of my dreams into one…Thanks SoccerCitySD for making me happy, for making me smile, and for creating the reality that the hope and dream of tomorrow in San Diego will be better—for all of us"  

Look, rest of America, if Bill Walton is on board with soccer, the rest of y'all are out of excuses. Time to jump on the soccer bandwagon. There's plenty of room.

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