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18 Seconds of Alex Morgan Is The Video We Want Our Lives To Be Like

Today, Alex Morgan stands as one of the most established players on the USWNT, but not too long ago she was just another talent trying to get into the national team. She’s come a long way since then, and we’ve been with her most of the way. Below, you’ll see our video, “18 Seconds of Alex Morgan,” as well as a small anthology of articles concerning our favorite lefty from Diamond Bar.

The Next Big Thing: Why Alex Morgan Is America’s New Soccer Role Model

18 seconds of Alex Morgan

Photo: @ussoccer_wnt | Twitter

With the Olympics and the next World Cup looming on the horizon, American women's soccer is looking for the next Mia Hamm or Brandi Chastian, and we may have found her in Alex Morgan…Read more here.

Alex Morgan Was A Nobody When She First Saved The United States National Team

18 seconds of Alex Morgan

Photo: YouTube

You can see the rejoice expressed by all of the USWNT. Wambach immediately jumps up in the air in delight at the sight of the goal. Veterans such as Christie Rampone, the aforementioned Rapinoe, and Lauren Holiday (then Lauren Cheney) all rush to embrace Alex Morgan. It’s hard to say with the grainy video but it looks like Rampone has tears of joy in her eyes. Morgan was a hero, a savior of the USWNT that day, and she was just a 21-year-old that no one had ever heard of…Read more here

Alex Morgan's 6 Best Goals Of All Time

18 seconds of Alex Morgan

Photo: Twitter

She has an arsenal of skills to get past defenders, whether it being her speed, strength or touch. With 86 career goals, it's hard to pick Alex Morgan's best goals. Here, we've picked six goals that make the top of the list for us…Read more here.

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