
We Want To Hang Out With Colombia After Seeing Their New Celebration Dance

I have a lot of good memories from the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, not that I was there. I had Tuesdays off back then, and so for two of the Tuesdays between June 12 and July 13 2014, I drank from noon until two in the morning. I danced the night away that night, among other things, and I like to think that, somehow, my moves were inspired by Colombia’s brilliant goal celebrations from that tournament. There is no way in actuality that they were, but hey, the spirit was there. 

Colombia seems to be dead set on reviving that spirit for the Copa America Centenario. Footage has recently surfaced of Colombian national team members (James Rodriguez included) practicing a celebratory dance, and I’ll be damned if I said it didn’t make me want to lost myself to dance all over again.


For those wondering, the players in the video are Frank Fabra, James Rodriguez, Juan Cuadrado, Carlos Sanchez, Yerry Mina, and Marlos Moreno, a.k.a. the crew that you always wished you had.

H/T Goal

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