
Juventus Has Captured The Class Of Pirlo In This Good-Bye Video

The internet is flooded with highlight videos. A player simply has to be young, talented, and make a couple cool plays in a season for someone to string those plays together in iMovie, throw some banal techno music over it, and produce one of them. I say this like I hate them, and in many ways I do, but I also cannot deny that watching these videos can be about as addicting as it gets. 

I don’t care if the music is bad when I feel like I’m mainlining the truth of the soccer universe while watching Roberto Firmino or Paolo Dybala do their thing. The problem is that for every semi-obscure player that gets a quality video, there are about 10 others that have…well…something a lot worse.

So when I heard that Juventus had released a highlight video of its own for its recently departed legend, Andrea Pirlo, I was hesitant to expect anything good. 

I can happily saw now, having watched it, my doubts were unwarranted, because Juventus just released one of the best highlight videos I have seen in a while. 

Was it the normal 10 minute long video that I expected? No. It was a tribute to his class. The cuts of slow motion pieces of skill and ball control are glorifications of the things that make Pirlo great. There is no need to gawk at him for 10 minutes when all can be said in 2 and a half.

That, simplicity in the presence of greatness, epitomizes Andrea Pirlo. 

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

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