
Female Official Reportedly Attacked In Men’s Fourth Division Game

Mariga Eugenia Rocca, a female assistant referee whose experience includes multiple Olympic Games and Women’s World Cups, has reported being struck in the back of the neck by a player while officiating a men’s fourth division game in Argentina.

The Argentina Referee Association is backing Rocca’s claims and has submitted a report to the Argentina Football Association for their review.

Rocco told La Nacion, Argentina’s leading daily conservative paper, “When the game ended and before entering the changing rooms, there was an uproar. Several [Deportivo] Merlo players protested against Jorge Broggi [the head referee] and I intervened.

“They were protesting against an alleged handball in the opening goal. I told the coach to calm down, that we could talk later. The police then arrived to protect us and I felt a strong blow on the neck. I turned around and I saw the No. 7 jersey, who was walking away.

“I thought the hit was directed at the referee or someone else, but it wasn’t because I was alone. He [No. 7] ran and joined his teammates. I couldn’t believe that he hit me. I told them [Deportivo Merlo] that No. 7 was sent off for an aggression and they began to tell me that he hadn’t done anything. I felt bad but Broggi told me to be calm and that he had seen everything and was going to report it.

“You always hear insults and I’m accustomed to that but a player has never been aggressive toward me. Not even an insult by a player.”

According to the referee association’s chief, Federico Beligoy, the report has already been filed: “We have presented the relevant report to AFA and we will act on this grave act.”


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