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The 2019 USWNT World Cup Jersey Has Leaked

The 2019 USWNT World Cup jersey has leaked over at Footy Headlines, and we think it’s simplistic perfection. Obviously the knee jerk reaction to jerseys these days is to say “WHAT? A WHITE JERSEY?? DID THEY REALLY PAY SOMEONE TO DESIGN THESE?!” and to garner the Facebook likes, as though putting Mia Hamm’s head on the body of a bald eagle soaring through a pattern of stars and stripes is the only way to go about designing a cool kit.

But we think it’s a clean look, the sleeves are dope and the collar — used in all of the Nike Vapor template jerseys, so no complaining — is improved by the red front-collar insert.

USWNT front 1

USWNT jersey 2019 World Cup

The back is where there’s beauty in the details. There’s a blue, three-star insert on the back collar, and the entire back panel is covered with a graphic of the names of the 50 states, in keeping with the “One Nation. One Team.” mantra. 

USWNT 2019 World Cup jersey

USWNT World Cup jersey 2019

U.S. Soccer, please send me a Crystal Dunn jersey and let’s go. 

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