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A Player In Chile Was Arrested For Climbing Into The Stands And Kicking A Fan

Does Sebastian Pol think he's a ninja? We think Sebastian Pol thinks he's a ninja.

Pol, an Argentinian striker who plays for Chilean club Audax Italiano, got heated during Italiano's match against Universidad Catolica, and, well, he did this:

To recap: he climbs the fence, stands on the fence and then karate-kicks the fan. This is not the behavior of a normal person. This is the bahavior of a man who believes himself to be a ninja.

He is not very good at being a ninja, though, because he failed to do any real damage to the person he kicked, and he did the kicking in front of thousands of people and got arrested after the game.

Ninjas don't get arrested. Sebastian Pol is not a ninja, regardless of how much he clearly wants to be one.

(H/T The Howler)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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