We’ve all seen them, the utterly massive signs called “tifos” that seem simultaneously extremely impractical and epic. For example, where the hell do they keep them? How do they seem to never, ever tear? And who in the world actually makes them? A gigantic printer? Regardless, they represent everything that is fanatical soccer fandom; tifos are as big as their creators’ passions for their team. That they seem irrationally awesome makes a kind of poetic sense.
Speaking of irrationally awesome fanatical soccer fans, the Rose City Riveters, and Portland Thorns fan group, made this epic tifo over the weekend.

Photo: Jamiebgoldberg | Twitter
It turns out that the process behind making one of these is actually a highly organized exercise in collaboration. Or at least that’s what this video makes it seem like.
Not gonna lie, I was kind of hoping there was some sort of misunderstood creative genius with scraggly hair coming up with all of these designs in some smokey industrial art studio, surrounded by crumpled pieces of rejected ideas, but this will do just fine. Teamwork is a beautiful thing.