
Cristiano Ronaldo Bought A $31,000 Wax Statue Of Himself

The Madrid Museum of Wax has a statue of Cristiano Ronaldo in it. That in itself is not so weird. Cristiano is one of the most recognizable athletes in the world, and happens to play for a team in Madrid.

Cristiano saw his statue at the museum. This, too, is not so weird. If there existed a statue of us somewhere, we would likely venture to see it. 

He liked the statue. Still not weird. Statues in and of themselves are essentially compliments and should be taken as such.

He liked that statue so much he commissioned one just like it to be put in his house.

OK, that's weird. Even for a noted (although much of the time overblown) egomaniac like Cristiano Ronaldo, having a statue of yourself in your house, especially one that you commissioned to have put there yourself, this is a bit much.

If he wants to look at himself that much, he should invest in a mirror. We would venture a guess that mirrors are much cheaper than life-size wax statues, and more useful to boot. 

But, whatever. Who are we to tell a grown man who is much richer than us how to spend his money? Do whatever you want, Cristiano. Enjoy your statue. 

(H/T FOX Soccer)

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