One of the cool things about winning something major in sports (other than, obviously, winning something major in sports) is that you get to meet the President. This is what happened to the USWNT Tuesday, as they visited the White House and hung out with Barack Obama.
Obama had some very kind words to say about the USWNT, including this perfect line about the USWNT and changing peoples' minds about womens sports and soccer.
"This team taught all of America's children that playing like a girl means being a badass" - President @BarackObama.
— U.S. Soccer WNT (@ussoccer_wnt) October 27, 2015
And it's true. This team taught the U.S. that women's sports can be as entertaining — or more — as damn near any other event you can think of. That's an important lesson for our country to learn, and it's nice to hear the most powerful man on the planet say it. Hopefully they're on their way to paying the players a living wage.
The most powerful man and the most powerful women's soccer team. Hopefully they don't join forces. Who knows what they could be capable of? The world might never be the same.
And, of course, they took a selfie. Great shot of Abby Wambach's forehead in the foreground. It's hard to fit a whole team of badasses into one selfie, but they (almost) did it.
Barack Obama USWNT Selfie

Selfie! Photo: @NBCSportsSoccer | Twitter
For more information on how you can help support womens soccer and grow the game, check out our Beauty is a Beast campaign. For every Beauty is a Beast shirt sold, we will donate some of the proceeds to a scholarship supporting womens soccer players.
Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus