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The Top 5 Freestylers You Didn’t Know You Needed To Follow

Watching football matches is obviously the best part of the sport, but another great part is the technical ability that some players have when it comes to the more creative side of the game rather than the tactical. Freestylers do not get enough credit for the immense amount of skill and creativity they have with the ball. Whether that's multiple around the worlds, fancy flick-ups or gravity-defying tricks, it's always quality content that'll have you mesmerized. 

Here are quality freestylers that you need to follow.

Top Football Freestylers To Follow

#1. Indi Cowie — @indicowie on Instagram, is a magician with the ball and can do several combinations and insane skills that will leave your jaw on the floor. 10/10 recommend following her page and attempting some of her moves.

#2. Alexander Mendoza — @alexfs17 on Instagram, defies gravity and always manages to surprise you with his next skill. His feet are ridiculously fast and the amount of around the worlds he can do in a row should be illegal. 

#3. Lisa Zimouche — @lisafreestyle on Instagram, is a freestyle legend that is well-known around the world. She is the Queen of Nutmegs and always has fun with the ball.

#4. Caitlyn Schrepfer — @caitfreestyle on Instagram, is another freestyle champion who includes insane acrobatics with her skills. She has a unique style and is definitely entertaining to watch.

#5. Tobias Becs — @tobiasfreestyle on Instagram, is known for his risky tricks when he freestyles hanging from a crane. He takes freestyling to new heights and is super entertaining. 

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