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The Most Amazing Urban Soccer Fields Around The Country

The world's love of soccer stems from many reasons, but one of the most fundamental tenets of the game is that it can be played by anyone, anywhere and at anytime. If you have a ball, then you have your Theater of Dreams. 

For far too long America remained largely ignorant of this fact — believing that the sport was only played 11-on-11 on the pristine fields of suburban America. Thankfully, that way of thinking has suffered a humiliating death (see: MLS 1.0 to 3.0), and the people's game is now thriving across the country's urban core.

A lot of this is thanks in part to those who live the game on a daily basis and strive to make it a tool of positivity in their communities — people like the ones who executed on visions for some of the most amazing urban pitches you'll see on the planet.

Coolest Urban Soccer Fields In The USA

Denver Soccer Society

Denver, CO

Denver Soccer Society

Photo: @denversoccersociety | Twitter

The Ground

New York, NY

The Ground

Photo: @thegroundnyc | Instagram

Fire Pitch

Chicago, IL

Fire Pitch

Photo: @fire_pitch | Instagram

Ninth Street Soccer and Coffee

Minneapolis, MN

Ninth Street Soccer

Photo: @ninthstreetmpls | Instagram


Atlanta, GA

Station Soccer Atlanta

Photo: Sanjay Patel | Soccer In The Streets

Alpine Field

Colorado Springs, CO

Alpine Field

Photo: Musco.com/alpine

Sinatra Park Soccer Field

Hoboken, NJ

Sinatra Park Soccer Field

Photo: Hoboken City FC

Pitch 25

Houston, TX

Pitch 25

Photo: @pitch25htx | Instagram

Soccer Rooftop

Miami, FL

Soccer Rooftop

Photo: @soccerrooftop | Instagram

UrbanFutsal LA

Los Angeles, CA

Urban Futsal LA

Photo: @urbanfutsal.la | Instagram

LoPresti Park

Boston, MA

LoPresti Park

Photo: @BostonScores | Twitter

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