Neymar’s One Glaring Weakness Revealed

Neymar is an all-around brilliant footballer, but he struggles when it comes to the Xs and Os.
March 26, 2017

Neymar’s talents are known around the world. He’s one of the best providers in the world. He can score goals at will. He’s a masterful dribbler, he’s clutch and he’s a leader. There is, however, one glaring weakness in his person.

It’s the Xs and Os. Not the Xs and Os you might find on a tactics board, but the Xs and Os you’d find in a tic-tac-toe game. Three things stick out in this lighthearted video: 1. Neymar is awful at tic-tac-toe. 2. There’s nothing that Barcelona players won’t compete over. 3. Coaches, when players are tired at the end of practice, this is a pretty awesome game to work on awareness and decision making.