More than a buzzer beater, more than a last second touchdown, more than a walk-off home run, a last second goal absolutely stuns you more than anything else in sports. Real soccer fans will understand how unbelievably difficult it is to score. The factors that have to align, the luck that has to be present to make a last second strike ring true is enough to make a atheist drop to his knees and look up to the skies with tears in his eyes. The crowd gets it; the players get it; the coaches get it as they collapse into each others arms: last minute goals make life worth living.
Here are the greatest last minute goals of all time, as compiled by YouTube user FuuVideos. Check out his channel here.
This is an ultimate pump-up video. Between the perfectly selected music, the untamable roar of the crowd, and the scenes of people finding their religion in their team’s triumph, it is an extract of 100 percent win that will make the hair stand up on the back of your neck.
Not that you’d notice that last thing, because who has time to notice tiny hairs when there’s so much left of the today’s a** to kick?

If you want some individual links to the last minute goals you just watched, here are some that we could find. You know, incase you want to watch them in their pure, unadulterated glory.
And now for Landon Donovan’s legendary winner against Algeria in the 2010 World Cup.
There sure are a lot of epic winners to choose from, but, in my opinion, FuuVideos did an excellent job finding ones that really exemplify just how epic scoring a last second goal can be.
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