
Watch The Full Video Of Sepp Blatter's Resignation

Sepp Blatter announced his resignation from the FIFA presidency Tuesday. Hopefully, this can usher in a new era of FIFA not being a corrupt, malicious, generally awful organization. Blatter, in his speech, finally acknowledged that some of this might be a little bit his fault. He did, however, stick to the narrative that there were forces beyond his control at work here. Maybe that's true, maybe not. The bottom line is, the man who presided over one of the largest, most blatantly corrupt organizations in the world will not be doing that anymore. Here's his full speech:

You can read the text of Blatter's speech here and the statement given by Domenico Scala, Chairman of FIFA's Audit & Compliance Committee here.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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