
Teen Scores The Golazo Of His Life...And Wins The Game Doing It.

Virgil Gomis is a name that we hadn't heard of before this morning. After having seen this video, though, we will likely not forget it for a while. We will certainly be on the lookout for it in the coming years as we follow the EPL, because, man, how can a person who can do this be stuck on a youth team that doesn't even play in the first division?

He will likely not be mired on Nottingham Forest's U-18 team for much longer, because he scored the goal of his life (which would be the goal of most players lives, really) to win against Ipswich Town's U-18 team, 3-2.

Most bicycle kick goals are products of luck, opportunity and split-second decisions to try something that probably won't work, but Gomis's goal appears totally planned. There are at least a couple of seconds where you can see him setting himself up for a bicycle kick, as if he's thinking "I'm totally going to nail this, just watch."

And he did nail it, and look how far out he is! A certain Swansea forward who's been ripping up the Premier League and shares Virgil's last name (we have no idea if they're related) would be proud.

(H/T Soccer America)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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