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The Seattle Sounders Basically Gave Up Against Sporting Kansas City

It took until the 88th minute for the Seattle Sounders to avoid turning in the undisputed worst offensive performance in MLS history. Until the 88th minute, the Sounders had not even taken a shot. No team has ever gone an entire MLS game without taking a shot. 

Sporting, meanwhile, recorded more than one shot. They put three in the net before Seattle managed to even shoot.

That last goal is particularly special, as it required no less than two players to give up on life entirely.

Seattle's give a s*** is broken, as the saying goes. This is the type of loss that can get a coach fired, and many people expect Sisi Schmidt's days to be numbered after this one.

(H/T Sounder at Heart)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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