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Player Thumbs Opponent Where The Sun Don't Shine

A wise old sage once quipped that football is a gentleman’s game played by thugs, and The18 would certainly concur. We’ve witnessed some pretty atrocious behaviour on a football field in our time: Eric Cantona Kung-Fu kicking a supporter, for example, or “teammates” Kieron Dyer and Lee Bowyer fighting mid-match. Or Diana Ross…

Never, however, in 30-odd years of playing and watching football have we ever seen a player try to thumb his opponent in the arse. Never, that is, until we watched the following footage from the Kuwaiti Premier League:

Perhaps, we thought, said player was a rectal surgeon performing an emergency colonoscopy. Maybe, in the midst of all the footballing cut and thrust, his calculating and medically trained eye spotted something that concerned him, and he coolly responded as any good doctor should.  Or maybe he’s just a dirty son-of-a-bitch with a temper. 

We’re leaning heavily towards the latter.

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