Paul Pogba Proclaims Dab Is Dead, Billy Dance Is In

The Manchester United midfielder plans to get new dance moves into FIFA ’18.
June 30, 2017

It came straight from Paul Pogba’s mouth

“Dab is Dab, now it’s gone.”

You read it. He's done with Dab.

Pogba’s quintessential move — the best thing to come to European soccer from America since Christian Pulisic — is done with.

In an interview with Esquire, Pogba said he’s moving on to what he’s calling the Billy Dance.


Pogo debuted the so-called Billy Dance after Manchester United defeated Ajax 2-0 for the Europa League crown. 

“I will make sure that everyone does it,” Pogba said. “I’ll make sure that it goes on FIFA ’18!"

The french midfielder said he’s moving on from Dabbing, but this goal was scored after the Esquire interview took place.  

Perhaps Pogba is struggling to move on from Dab.

If so, he should considering these hip moves making waves in discotheques all across the world.

For starters, the Macarena will never get old. Pretty sure all the cool kids are still doing it.


To grow his Asian fanbase, Pogba should consider Gangnam style.

We all know Pogba is really into his hair, so this might be right up his alley.

If I had hair, I’d totally be using that move every day. 

Or, you know, just stick with what made you the most expensive transfer of all time.