
Lionel Messi's Diet Can Keep You At The Top Of Your Game. You'll Have To Cut Out The Pepsi Though.

It's pretty clear that Lionel Messi is naturally talented. Even when he was 17, you could see that he was just inherently special. That being said, Lionel Messi didn't make it to where he is by pure talent alone. It takes a lot of hard work and discipline to play at the top level and produce the kind of numbers that Messi does. Needless to say, the Lionel Messi diet is probably a pretty good one.  

Lionel Messi diet

You don't get to be this good without doing something right. Photo: @CampNou_IG | Twitter

Part of any athlete's success is the implementation of a good diet. Gone are the days of the chain-smoking, heavy drinking party player, and in their place are sports science and individualized dietary programs. In an interview with Mundo Deportivo, Messi's dietitian, Giuliano Poser, revealed the Lionel Messi diet and the secrets behind his continued success. 

Poser's key foods for the Lionel Messi diet are "water, good quality olive oil, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and fresh fruits and vegetables." Poser made sure to specify that the fruits and veggies should be clear of all pesticides and chemicals, as they could be harmful. 

Lionel Messi diet

Photo: @SunSport | Twitter

As far as what you should stay away from, sugar is the worst for the muscles according to Poser. Refined flours are also bad, and you should eat minimal amounts of salt and meat. 

So, there you go folks. The Lionel Messi diet that can keep you at the top of your game (in theory). As far as the talent part goes, well, you're on your own for that one. 


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