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John Oliver Made Good On His Promise To Drink A Bud Light Lime If Sepp Blatter Resigned

John Oliver made a promise to FIFA sponsors Adidas, McDonald's and Budweiser: if Sepp Blatter resigned, Oliver would wear a pair of ridiculous Adidas shoes, take a bite out of every item on the McDonald's dollar menu and drink a Bud Light Lime and say it was delicious. 

John Oliver, evidently, is a man of his word, because he did all of those things, even chugging the whole Bud Light Lime while the studio audience cheered him on.

As a person who once drank a Bud Light Lime (I'm not proud of it), I can say that his face at the end is pretty accurate, leading me to believe that was a real Bud Light Lime and not a prop.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at Klomhaus@The18.com or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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