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How To Strengthen Your FIFA Pro Club Player

Since its inception in FIFA 08, FIFA Pro Club mode (a.k.a “Be a Pro”) has given players of the game the option to break away from the traditional soccer scenario where they control 11 individuals and instead control their own personal player during matches.

The mode has somewhat lost steam over the years, but still remains one of the games more desirable plays due to its replay value. 

FIFA Pro Club Mode

For those new to the mode, before you can play you are required to create your own unique player. You can model them after yourself or make them look as outlandish as you like. Once that’s done, you’ll go through a bevy of options to determine what kind of player you are. Are you a holding defensive midfielder with a nose for the ball and a love for hard-hitting slide tackles? A fox-in-the-box striker whose touch seems to turn into goals? Or maybe you’re the last line goalkeeper, a steel curtain with a knack for preserving the goose-egg scoreline.

Once all of that’s done, the fun can begin. There’s the option of doing a drop-in match, where 10 players choose sides and positions, playing against each other with six AI’s that can be used as teammates. Or you can join a pro club with your friends, where you can play against other pro club.

Of course, you’ll have to start from the bottom when it comes to your overall ranking. Following these simple guidelines will help see your rankings soar and have clubs begging for you to sign with them.

Be Involved In The Play

In order to level up your player’s overall rating, you’ll have to do a number of tasks during matches. Scoring goals, of course, is a good way to get started, but it’s not always that simple. There are other ways to rank up, which include completing your passes and crosses, beating people on the dribble, winning tackles, etc. As long as you’re involved in the game and not standing off to the side, theses objectives are manageble.

Stay In Position

During drop-in matches, once you choose your desired position for the game, you’ll have to remain in that position unless the captain of the team moves you. The game will remind you where you need to go depending on the location of the ball. As much of a free spirit you may be on the field and have a certain desire to go where you please, playing out of position can affect your match rating and hinder your ability to rank up.

Switch It Up

Just because you’ve chosen a striker as your main position, doesn’t mean you have to play there in every match. Playing a number of different positions can help you rank up faster and give your player balanced stats.

Take Chances

This kind of piggybacks off of the first tip, but don’t be afraid to have a crack at goal, or to go 1v1 with a defender as you progress through the rankings. Taking risks like aforementioned can only help your cause.

Or just play on the easiest possible level. You'll destroy FIFA Pro Club mode in no time.

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