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Euro Violence Wouldn't Happen If The French Police Had Tanks, Says Russian FA Board Member

English fans and Russian fans keep fighting at Euro 2016, and that's a problem. But the Euro violence is not as much of a problem as one bloodthirsty Russian politician reportedly thinks.

Before the quote, a disclaimer: certainly, not all Russians. But, equally as certainly, some Russians. Like this one.

TANKS. Really. To control unruly soccer fans.

Maybe we've been cavorting with a different set of soccer fans than this Russian guy, but in our experience you usually just have to buy them a beer and they'll be nice to you. That would be a lot cheaper than bringing tanks in, we think.

We can't wait for Russia 2018, when we'll hear things like "of course the tanks are necessary. The soccer fans are starting to get a little unruly. We have to protect ourselves."

Or: "you see, the soccer fans will stop being violent if we kill them all, or put them in terrifying Russian prisons. This is how you ensure the safety of a soccer tournament."

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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