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England’s Best Goalkeeper Describes What Makes Messi The Best In The World

We all know how good Lionel Messi is. You hear analysts talk about it all the time, and we see his performances time and time again support the notion that he's the best player in the world. We’ve also heard other players praise the Argentine international for the skill he exhibits on the pitch. But Joe Hart may have been the most complimentary of La Pulga. Below is a snippet of his interview along with the best quote from it: 

“When we play him, you notice, like, what a player he is. There not many situations where you come off the pitch and you go…we talk like children. Like how… I know.. We’re not in awe of him but you’ve just got to be honest. Cause you see the guy wonder around totally oblivious to the game sometimes and then all of a sudden bang.” 

Respect Joe Hart. 

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