
A Catalan TV Station Is So Salty About The Euros They Gave Ronaldo Flabby Abs

Most of us have seen Cristiano Ronaldo's abs at one point or another. If you follow soccer, they're just hard to avoid after a while. 

One Catalan TV station apparently got so fed up with seeing Ronaldo's abs they photoshopped them out. All eight of them. And his belly button.

I hesitate to call the after version of Ronaldo's abs "flabby." It's not like they gave him a potbelly or anything.

The thing that really bothers me about this is the removal of the belly button, like this TV station wants us to believe Cristiano is an alien with non belly button who came to earth to win all our soccer things and have great hair and have his way with all of the earth women.

Wait . . . is Cristiano Ronaldo Kyle XY? Oh God.

(H/T Awful Announcing)

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