Cristiano Ronaldo Is Wearing Sunglasses

Real Madrid striker Cristiano Ronaldo tweeted a picture of himself wearing sunglasses.
February 1, 2017

Cristiano Ronaldo is the king of footballer brooding tweet selfies. Here's one with his head in a bush. Here's one on a couch/bed thing in a very uncomfortable-looking position. Here's one with him wearing a coat incorrectly.

His latest brooding tweet selfie takes his brand away from partially-clothed weirdness and in a whole new direction: eyewear!

This brooding tweet selfie is different from Cristiano's other brooding tweet selfies because in this one he is wearing a turtleneck and also sunglasses. How mysterious! Like a secret agent!

We would not be all that surprised if Cristiano Ronaldo was in fact a secret agent, or if he chose to reveal that fact via brooding tweet selfie.