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This Adorable Giant Blaugrana Squirrel Has To Be A Messi Fan

Meet the Malabar giant squirrel, or Indian giant squirrel (Ratufa indica), the world’s cutest Barcelona fan.

Photos captured by wildlife photographer Kaushik Vijayan and posted to his Instagram page show a squirrel with blue and dark-red coloring that looks a bit like the blaugrana uniforms of famed football club Barcelona. 

The squirrel, native to India, is one of the largest species of squirrel in the world. Its head and body measure around 14 inches, but its tail can stretch up to two feet, according to Wikipedia. 

The coloring of these creatures is absolutely remarkable, as Vijayan captured. 

This guy has to be a Lionel Messi fan, right?

Here are some more images of the Barcelona squirrel courtesy of the impressive skill of Vijayan.

(H/T Marca)

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