This is one of the most satisfyingly inventive indoor goals ever

I think he should get credit for the goal and assist.
January 8, 2023

If you've played indoor soccer before, you've undoubtedly been left mad as hell at your goalkeeper for making a total mess of harmless balls smashed off the walls. The corner is a particularly dangerous area for keepers with zero foot skills, but we've also all probably seen a traditional outfield player being forced into the keeper role and getting beat by the softest of efforts.

What I've never seen before is this: a player understanding all the angles, all the realities, and purposefully hammering one off the wall to outfox a keeper coming out to usher away a chance.

I've also never played with a 16-year-old Dutch prodigy before. Clearly AZ Alkmaar's Kees Smit is able to see and execute on things that hungover weekend warriors cannot.

He's not bad at the 11-on-11 version of the game either.