
Do Not Red-Card The Ref. He Doesn't Like It

Red-carding a player is serious business. The player has more than likely done something really bad, and tempers are stretched to the breaking point. It's one of the most tense situations in soccer.

Because the situation is so tense, referees don't go for much in the way of audience participation when tossing players out of games.

Salih Dursun apparently didn't like that part of the arrangement, and decided to insert himself into the action, with predictable results. 

Don't Red Card The Ref

Don't do this, kids. It's bad. This hearkens back to the time Clint Dempsey took the ref's notebook and ripped it up.

Don't Take His Notebook, Either

Don't do this either, kids.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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