
This Fan Is So High He Thinks He Won The Champions League Trophy

Ladies and gentlemen, from the people that brought you “David at the Dentist” comes the Champions League video you and all of your friends will be talking about for, you know, at least the next 72 hours. It comes from the world of Reddit, and just might make “AAAAYYYYYY” your go-to phrase for the forceable future. 

Your eyes and ears have not deceived you, that’s a kid thinking that his morphine drip button is the Champions League trophy. He can’t keep his hands off the "silverware," and now he’s, well — he’s in a medically controlled environment but high as a f***ing kite

This video hits the same funny bone that 2008’s “David at the Dentist” honed in on. It’s innocent (the guy’s surrounded by his family), but clearly this guy needs to turn it down. 

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