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This Broadcaster Criticized A Ref. He Will Never Do That Again

Here is the synopsis of what happened in a Costa Rican second division game: the announcer at this game was criticizing the ref so the ref stopped the game and had the broadcaster thrown out. Seriously, we did not know the ref even had the power to do this, but obviously this ref is not having any of our crap.

This was not a victory for free press advocates, but it was a victory for people who like funny videos and awkwardness. The ref stops the game for a LONG time waiting for the announcer to leave. We are frankly surprised no punches were thrown during this video (in fairness, there could have been some off-camera). 

How in the world did Howard Webb never try this? Surely it crossed his mind. Maybe he didn't think he could get away with it. 

This might be the most drunk with power referee we have ever seen. Shouldn't he be used to that sort of thing by now? Doesn't getting insulted by opposing fans pretty much come with the territory as a ref?

Maybe the announcer said something really bad before the video started rolling, but we didn't detect anything particularly vile, at least as far as things that get yelled at referees are concerned. Was it worth having the broadcaster thrown out? Apparently.

Life in the Costa Rica lower divisions. Never a dull moment.

(H/T Deadspin)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at Klomhaus@The18.com or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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