
Ricardinho Has Ended Futsal Forever

There will not be any more futsal. We are sorry to inform everyone of this, truly we are, but there is simply no other option after what Ricardinho did. Futsal as a game has reached its logical endpoint. Everyone can go home now.

A warning to readers before you watch the video: the content of this video is not for the fair of heart or the squeamish. Viewer discretion is advised. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough to watch this goal. Really, we should make you sign a waiver or something before you watch this goal. Proceed at your own risk.

Ricardinho Don't Do 'Em Like That Oh God No

We'll give you a moment to find your eyeballs and put them back in your head.


We have some reaction shots from people whi were in the crowd that day, which we will now share.

It got pretty rough in there. Here's another one.

Ricardinho and Surprised Patrick

Photo: @jordanhallet23 | Twitter

We clearly can't continue with futsal after this incident. The game has reached the end of its evolutionary progression. And besides it's dangerous to witness a goal like that. Just look at this koala's reaction.

Surprised Koala

Photo: @AdorableHub | Twitter

Futsal will be missed.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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