It was an ordinary Saturday in the Bundesliga, until Borussia Dortmund striker Pierre Aubameyang showed up dressed like this:

Photo: @Squawka | Twitter
When we say Aubameyang's outfit, we were reminded of popular children's book character Mother Goose, whom it appears Aubameyang was paying homage to with his choicees of jacket and hat.
Or maybe Aubameyang was gunning for a lucrative lamp sponsorship deal.

Photo: @vidalubaldo1 | Twitter
Hope he gets it, if that's the case.
If Auba has a personal stylist, he needs to fire that person. And if he doesn't have a personal stylist, he needs to get one. Whoever is responsible for this ensemble must be stopped.
On the other hand, Aubameyang has 20 Bundesliga goals and is the league's second-leading scorer, so he can dress however he wants. As long as he keeps scoring. Maybe his outfit is some sort of statement about how this season has been a fairytale? We don't know.
Kids these days and their goose jackets and their backward hats. It's a disgrace, I tell you. Why, back in my day we — (incoherent mumbling about character building and youths stealing newspapers) — looking presentable. And that's why millennials will never about to anything.
Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus