
John Oliver Tries To Pick Whether Ridiculous Footballer Names Are Real

John Oliver is one of the funniest human beings alive, and he's also a huge soccer fan. This GQ video is, in our opinion, the pinnacle of human achievement, but we'll let you decide. Also, watch John's show, Last Week Tonight, in which John is frequently hilarious and occasionally says hilariously mean things about Sep Blatter. (Here and here)

And, in addition to John Oliver making fun of them, Danny Invincible and Fabian Assmann each have their own hilarious highlight videos on Youtube. Danny Invincible's features probably the most perfect song choice there is. And Fabian Assmann's includes music from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies.

Fun fact: "Danny Invincible" was actually Nelly's rapper name before he made it big1

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

This is not actually true. As far as we know.

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