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The Internet Tackles Frank Lampard and Jesus Navas

The New York City FC and Manchester City social media teams wanted to engage and energize their fans with new players Frank Lampard (NYCFC) and Jesus Navas (Man City), but they may need a more cynical outlook on the world of social media. NYCFC used #AskLamps for fans to query Lampard and Manchester City used #AskJesus for Navas, and the Internet did not disappoint. As you may have guessed, the trolls came out to play and decided it would be funny to take these hashtags literally and ask the players (er, the social media teams) questions concerning a common household appliance and the biblical figure, respectively. 

Obviously there are some people who took these hashtags too far, but then there are the comedic geniuses of Twitter whose humor and wit made this article worth writing. Here are some of the best from both hashtags.



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