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How Old Is Neymar?

How old is Neymar?

The short answer is 24, but that's the short answer. We're not here for the short answer. We're breaking it down so far that no one will ever wonder how old Neymar is again. You can thank us later. 

But wait (Billy Mays voice), there's more!

Wouldn't you like to know how Neymar's age compares to the age of other prominent footballers/things? You would? Great!

Lionel Messi is Neymar's teammate at Barcelona and the best player in the world. Messi was born on June 24, 1987. He is 28 years and five days old. He is four years, eight months and 19 days older than Neymar. 

Luis Suarez is Neymar's teammate at Barcelona and he sometimes bites people. Suarez was born on January 24, 1987. He is 28 years, five months and five days old. He is five years and 13 days older than Neymar. 

Paul Pogba is Neymar's rival for "best young player in the world" status (Pogba is better, in our opinion). Pogba was born on March 15, 1993. Neymar is one year, one month and eleven days older than Paul Pogba.

The Earth is the planet which we inhabit. The Earth is 4.54 billion years old approximately. We don't know the Earth's exact birthday, sorry. The earth is 4,539,999,977 years older than Neymar.

The Universe houses the Earth, as well as everything else that exists, has existed or will exist (as far as we know). The Universe is about 14 billion years old, according to scientific estimates. As with the Earth, we don't know the Universe's exact birthday. The Universe is 13,999,999,977 years older than Neymar.

Methuselah is a Great Basin Bristlecone Pine tree in Eastern California. Methuselah is 4,847 years old, and the oldest non-clonal tree in the world. Methuselah is 4,024 years older than Neymar. 

The18.com is a burgeoning soccer website that many people enjoy. The18.com launched on April 25, 2015. Neymar is 22 years, two months and 21 days older than The18.com.

The Champions League is a competition that Neymar and his Barcelona teammates won this year. The first season of the Champions League began in 1955. The Champions League is 37 years older than Neymar. 

Dunga is the coach of the Brazilian national team, which Neymar plays for. Dunga is 51 years, seven months and 27 days old. Dunga is 28 years, three months and seven days older than Neymar.

The World Cup is a competition that Brazil's team (sans Neymar) got bounced from in embarassing fashion by the Germans. The first World Cup was played in 1932 in Uruguay. The World Cup is 60 years older than Neymar. 

Barack Obama is the President of the United States. Barack Obama is 53 years, 10 months and 25 days old. Obama is 30 years, six months and ten days older than Neymar. 

Sepp Blatter is the president of FIFA, for however much longer. Blatter is 79 years, three months and 19 days old. He is 55 years, 10 months and five days older than Neymar. 

There you have it. May you never wonder how old Neymar is ever again.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at klomhaus@The18.com or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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